Coating solutions for concrete floors in car parks and aircraft hangars

Tikkurila has a long history of providing high-quality, durable coatings that withstand the chemical and mechanical stresses placed on concrete floors in car parks and aircraft hangars. We offer painting systems for every application, from simple dust binders for car parks with light, infrequent traffic to very durable thick-layer systems for busy, demanding environments. Our offering includes paint systems for interior and exterior use, with UV-resistant systems for exterior applications.
Dependable protection for a long service life
Car park floors are exposed to heavy mechanical stress, especially in Nordic countries where vehicles typically use studded tyres during the winter months. Car park floors must also be resistant to chemical stress from substances such as de-icing salts and bitumen, as well as fluids such as oil, antifreeze, brake fluid and cleaning agents.
The requirements for concrete floors in aircraft hangars are even more demanding, with coatings needing to withstand extreme weight, impacts, heavy wear and chemical stress. Tikkurila’s reliable coating solutions for aircraft hangars are more than a match for these tough conditions, withstanding extreme stress and ensuring a long service life thanks to their outstanding durability and chemical resistance.
A brighter, safer environment for car parks
Making car parks and aircraft hangars lighter and brighter helps to make them more attractive to visitors and improves safety. Tikkurila offers a comprehensive tinting system that opens up a wide selection of colour options for concrete floors, giving the opportunity to brighten up spaces and make people feel safe.
The right finish for every need
To give extra wear resistance and improve safety, especially on rainy days, floors can be coated with a non-slip finish such as Tikkurila’s Temafloor 6 system. This durable, non-slip coating solution resists UV light, abrasion, heavy loads and salts. Temafloor 6 and other polyurethane-based systems are designed to protect the surface and have excellent crack-bridging ability. We also offer several high-quality solvent-borne epoxy or polyurethane paints such as Temacoat RM 40, Temacoat GPL, Temadur 20 and Temadur 50, which can be applied with a roller or spray to mark lines on the floor surface.
Reliable protection for car parks with wooden flooring
Thanks to its water resistance, elasticity and crack-bridging properties, Temafloor Traffic offers dependable, durable protection for car parks with wooden flooring. The coating offers long-lasting reinforcement of the floor surface, with low maintenance costs and long maintenance intervals. Temafloor Traffic is a broadcast system recommended for areas where a non-slip finish with resistance to UV light, abrasion, high loads, salts and automotive fluids is required.
Sustainable surface protection
Our floor solutions deliver maximum performance while minimising any negative environmental impact. By providing the best possible protection to treated surfaces, we can extend the service life of coated materials and reduce the environmental impact of buildings during their life cycle. We also focus on developing floor solutions that have low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and reduced emissions to improve indoor air quality. Our extensive range of floor coatings includes paint systems that meet the LEED and BREEAM classification requirements.